How to Uninstall System Apps from Android without Root 2025

How to Uninstall System App from Android without root easily

Uninstall System Apps from Android

When you buy the new Android Mobile, then you will find many preinstalled apps on your Android mobile and you have no option to uninstall them.

So today in this article we are going to show how to uninstall system apps from Android without root with just one click.

Yes, it is the easiest method without root no method is easier than this method.

To uninstall the system app from android you need one Program for Windows and one app for Android.

Remember that you can uninstall system apps from Android without root with the help of a PC only.

So the first program for PC we need is "System App Uninstaller" for PC and for Android we need "APK Info"

Also, you need to install ADB Driver, so download ADB Driver from the below link and install it on your Windows.

Click here to download ADB Driver

Also, Make sure to install your mobile USB driver on Windows as well, you can find your mobile USB driver from the link below:

Click here to download the USB Driver 

So the System App uninstaller needs no installation on Windows.

Now follow the method below to uninstall system Apps from Android 

Uninstall System Apps from Android

1) First of all download and install "APK Info" on your Android mobile.

2) Now run the APK Info app.

3) Now here you can see all your Apps including System Apps. Now just copy the package name of the App you want to remove, the package name written below the name.

find the best app you want to uninstall

4) Now search for the App you want to remove.

find the package name of the app you want to uninstall

5) Now Copy the Package name of this App.

copy the package name of the app you want to uninstall

6) Now go to Settings and then Software information and click on build number 7 times.

click on build number 7 times to enable developer option

7) Now the developer option is enabled, after that go to the developer options from Settings.

open developer option android

8) Now enable USB debugging from there.

enable usb debugging to uninstall system apps from pc

9) Now Extract the System App Uninstaller you downloaded and open the "System App Uninstaller" on your Windows PC.

extract system app uninstaller files on pc

10) Don't forget to install "ADB Driver" and "USB Driver of your mobile".

11) Now connect your mobile to PC, you can see the name of your device on System App Uninstaller when it will detect your device.

detect the device in system app uninstall pc

12) Now after that type the name of the package you copied in step 5 and press Enter.

type the package name you want to uninstall in system app uninstaller

13) Now the after you press Enter, you will get the message Success as you can see in the pic below.

success message after uninstalling system app from android

14) And then the system app has been removed from your Android device successfully.

In this way, you can uninstall any system apps from your Android Mobile easily.

If you having any trouble, then simply watch the video below of how to uninstall system Apps from Android without root:

So this is the way to Uninstall system apps from any Android mobile without root.

If you have any problem then you can ask in the comments section below, if you like this article then also share this site with your friends on your social sites.

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