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PUBG will soon be available for PlayStation 4

Almost exactly a year ago popular battle royale first-person shooter, Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), made its debut on console the Xbox One, that is.
And now it’s free on Xbox One, for a while at least. We will also likely see it release on PS4 soon, according to rumour.
PUBG has definitely aided in the massive boom of battle royale games. Now it’ll be available on most platforms, and hopefully soon on all of them.
Microsoft has made PUBG free on Xbox One today, but just for a ‘limited time’ How long that limited time is, we’re not sure. 
But we won’t question a game that’s available for free, even if we had any serious questions.
 Rumors suggest the game is about to launch on Sony’s PlayStation 4 next month. If the reports are genuine then it means Microsoft paid for a year of PUBG exclusivity.
During that year, performance issues have plagued the game on the base Xbox One, and PUBG is currently sitting at three out of five stars for reviews in the Microsoft Store. 
PUBG is about to launch on Sony’s PlayStation 4. It could debut next month, which would make sense.
Because it has been suggested that Microsoft signed a one-year exclusivity deal with PUBG
 At launch, PUBG had performance issues on the Xbox One, and we can only hope that devs have streamlined the game before a PS4 launch.
We don’t have any word on cross-platform play yet. 
But judging by Sony’s game plan, we’ll likely not see it anytime soon, maybe.